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Fri, 19 Aug 2005

Alexander Schmehl, please fix your attitude

I still don't understand why he blogged at all, but I finally understand that I over reacted when answering Brenden's blog with an own blog.

It seems that I missed his attempt to be funny -- or to be more correct: It seems that I completely misinterpreted his blog.

All I can say is that I'm currently very stressed (at work, at university but most privately), didn't had the time to step out of myself to take a look at the overall situation… and that I'm sorry.

Branden, I'm sorry for being rude to you and hope that it won't happen again.

postet at 20:24 into [Debian] permanent link

Branden Robinson, please fix your attitude

Upgrade: If you intend to read this, please read my next blog, too. Or even better: Just skip this one.

Branden, imagine this: After a long day at work (at a really nice BBQ after that), you get home around midnight (local time). You decide to take a last beer, sitting in your garden (first warmer night in weeks), while looking into the stars (first not cloudy night in weeks), looking in your irc clients away log, if something important happened.

Nothing really important... a question about a talk I once delivered... a friend asking how I'm doing... and a guy named "Overfiend" shouting your name in a public channel.

And why? Because my old gpg key is somehow broken, so your gpg sends you some waring messages! Good god, is that all? Why shouting? Why blogging about that? Shouldn't you as DPL have more important things to do, than embarrass other people in the public?

To answer your questions: No, I don't know exactly what's going wrong with my key 1024D/CD15A883, if you would like to know the details, ask Peter "weasel" Palfrader. His knowledge about the internal structure of keys is better than mine. All I know is, that suddenly, after a medium sized key signing party, without me doing anything special (but giving out fingerprints), my key got broken that way. It still works, but gpg will send out those messages. Yes, I tried to resend it to key server, which didn't work. You can take caff's pgp-fixkey script, to repair the key, and you won't see any of those messages again (until you refresh my key). Yes, I already tried to resend a fixed key to the keyservers. It didn't work, since they simply re-add the broken removed packages again to my key. No, I don't know if it is possible to tell gpg, to ignore a specific key and never refresh it. And you don't need to do this! I don't use that key any more for exactly that problem! You could simply remove my key from your keyring, and could happily live ever after!

So, could you please explain to me, what you damn problem is? Instead of asking me via mail, if I know that my key is broken and what to do about it, or open an query (even if you don't know my nickname, it's quite easy to find out) and asking me directly, you choose to complain in a public channel and after I don't react (as said: I was away. Even I can't be online 24h/7d) you blog? Why? Of all possible forms of communication, blogging is in this case the worst! How do you make sure, I read your blog? I'm quite busy these days, don't read planet daily, and if Erinn wouldn't have told me, I might have completely missed it. Why blogging at all about that?

Oh, and yes, I know I'm doing the same error he does, complaining on planet instead of direct communication. If you like you blog something titled "Alexander Schmehl, please fix your attitude", but I'm currently in some kind of "G* and f*ck yourself" mood, so don't expect me to care about any blogs written about me...

postet at 14:38 into [Debian] permanent link

Mon, 15 Aug 2005

About music...

Yes, Meike, I have Alabama - Can't take the Country out of me on my hard disc. Guess what? That's not all! Additionally I have Angels Among Us and I'm In A Hurry And Don't Know Why, too.

I'm pretty sure, I have some other country music, too... but honestly I don't know what category most of my music is. I don't sort them by categories, I don't play them by categories. I just create a big play list of (nearly) all files, and let random choose what to play... so let's see...

$ find ~/audio -type d -maxdepth 3 -exec sh -c 'find "$0" -type f| echo -n `wc -l` ; echo " $0" ' {} \; |sort -nr|less is a bit ugly, but gives some numbers...

I have 1680 files, taking 5.8 GB - all of them legal. 151 are in the subdirectory "classic", 396 belong to a nice collection called "World of Blues", 307 for the Beach Boys, 61 for Queen, 35 for The Blues Brothers and Pink Floyd.

And while we are at it, some curiosities:

25 /home/alex/audio/movie/classic_disney_volume_ii/60_years_of_musical_magic
	# my first self bought CD
25 /home/alex/audio/movie/MontyPythonSings
	# Uhm...
12 /home/alex/audio/h2g2
	# :)
11 /home/alex/audio/movie/Dirty Dancing
	# Don't ask me, where I got that...
1 /home/alex/audio/movie/Rocky Horror Picture Show
	# Must have lost some of that soundtrack :(

So, yes, I have some country music. I think I have nearly every music style available... well... everything but German Volksmusic...

postet at 16:44 into [Debian] permanent link

Wed, 10 Aug 2005

Making Progress

Got the time to work on my unreaded mails::

$ find Maildir/ -path \*new\* -type f|wc -l

Beside the usual "I should try to find I way to not allow so many mails to accumulate" I learned some other interesting things I so far after my small vacation:

  • my boss has a nice way to tell me that I should get to work in time
  • eating doesn't help against frustration
  • ... that's especially true for chocolate
  • After not eating sweets for more than four months, eating much chocolate can lead to a hangover like feeling.
  • Well. At least it seems that I got an interesting job offer. Let's hope that works out for good.

Oh, and I finished signing all the keys last weeks. Some mails could not be delivered, if you are still missing a signature from me, please contact me, I'll see what I can do.

postet at 13:50 into [Debian] permanent link

Tue, 09 Aug 2005


Took some days off, just came back, took a look at my e-mails:

$ find Maildir/ -path '*/new/*' -type f|wc -l

Ugh. I think, I'll need some time to get back in present time...

postet at 18:30 into [Debian] permanent link

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Alexander Tolimar Reichle-Schmehl lives in Tuttlingen / Germany. He works as IT manager (specialized on Unix and SAN/Storage) for an international automotive supplier.
