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Fri, 23 Jul 2010

Release Critical Bug report for Week 29

The unofficial rc bug tracker currently knows about the following bugs:

In Total:446
Affecting Squeeze:348
Squeeze only:62
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze:286

Of these 286 bugs, the following tags are set:

Pending in Squeeze:18
Patched in Squeeze:48
Duplicates in Squeeze:36
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze:12
Claimed in Squeeze:2
Delayed in Squeeze:7
Can fixed in a security Update:23
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze:36

Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible), 152 bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributers to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze released.

However, with the view of the Release Managers, 250 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.

Please see my older post for an explanation of the different numbers.

postet at 13:00 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link

Thu, 22 Jul 2010

Recent RC-Bug activity

Remember the one rc bug a days activities from Steinar and Zack? Well, maybe I won't make to one rc bug per day, but at least I could blog about some of my recent activities. Maybe it motivates some others?

#553248libnel-dev: missing-dependency-on-libc needed...
  Trivial bug solved by adapting the depends-lines; uploaded.
#589344missing symbols in library
  Missing build depends; sponsored NMU by Davi Leal to delayed.
#582309Links against libclamav
  "solved" by disabling clamav support; uploaded to delayed 15.
#589819Unmet Recommends on extremetuxracer-racer
  Fixed typo in recommends (introduced by yours truly); uploaded.
#565805FTBFS on kfreebsd-*: need to define type GLUTesselatorFunction
  Applied patch by Felix Geyer; (doesn't help the release, package is experimental).
#568990planetpenguin-racer-extras: Outdated; needs restructured and updated to be usefull
  Upload fixed package prepared by Bertrand Marc.
#548084aegir-provision: /etc/aegir/drushrc.php PHP error,
#548085aegir-provision: /etc/aegir and /etc/aegir/drushrc.php file permissions
and unreported piuparts problem — Uploaded to delayed.
#569177kernel-patch-nfs-ngroups: doesn't apply anymore
  Added an updated version of the patch; uploaded.
#580120mediatomb allows anyone to browse and export the whole filesystem
  Disabled user interface in configuration file; uploaded to delayed.
#588554jamin: Ships files in /usr/lib64/
  Patched configure-script to install to the correct place; with maintainers permission uploaded without delay.
#576901init.d script fails under Squeeze with insserv due to lack of run level definitions
  Updated LSB header of init script same was as upstream did in recent version; uploaded to delayed (got thanks from the maintainer for that).
#574624dibbler-client: after removing package with dselect impossible to purge it.
  Verified fix by Edward Welbourne and uploaded to delayed.
#586057havp 0.91-1.1~volatile1 still haven't show up in lenny-volatile yet.
  Seems to have been an infrastructure hick up, which got solved in the meantime. Closed without upload.
#518227hplip: text missing at the bottom of a page on HP DJ 5550
  Discussed with release team, severity got lowered.

As you can see, finding fixable rc bugs is certainly possible. So please step in :)

BTW: If you don't have upload rights yourself, but prepared an NMU / patch, feel free to ping me and I'll take a look and try to sponsor your NMU. Just ask!

postet at 13:05 into [Debian] permanent link

Fri, 16 Jul 2010

Release Critical Bug report for Week 28

The unofficial rc bug tracker currently knows about the following bugs:

In Total:476
Affecting Squeeze:377
Squeeze only:71
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze:306

Of these 306 bugs, the following tags are set:

Pending in Squeeze:16
Patched in Squeeze:46
Duplicates in Squeeze:37
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze:13
Claimed in Squeeze:3
Delayed in Squeeze:7
Can fixed in a security Update:29
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze:27

Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible), 171 bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributers to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze released.

However, with the view of the Release Managers, 279 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.

Please see my older post for an explanation of the different numbers.

postet at 13:00 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link

Fri, 09 Jul 2010

Release Critical Bug report for Week 27

The unofficial rc bug tracker currently knows about the following bugs:

In Total:501
Affecting Squeeze:401
Squeeze only:95
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze:306

Of these 306 bugs, the following tags are set:

Pending in Squeeze:16
Patched in Squeeze:49
Duplicates in Squeeze:38
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze:12
Claimed in Squeeze:5
Delayed in Squeeze:6
Can fixed in a security Update:35
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze:33

Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible), 163 bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributers to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze released.

However, the with the view of the Release Managers, 310 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.

Please see my older post for an explanation of the different numbers.

postet at 13:00 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link

Fri, 02 Jul 2010

Release Critical Bug report for Week 26

The inofficial rc bug tracker currently knows about the following bugs:

In Total:498
Affecting Squeeze:397
Squeeze only:72
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze:325

Of these 325 bugs, the following tags are set:

Pending in Squeeze:22
Patched in Squeeze:50
Duplicates in Squeeze:51
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze:12
Claimed in Squeeze:4
Delayed in Squeeze:11
Can fixed in a security Update:30
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze:31

Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible), 166 bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributers to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze released.

However, the with the view of the Release Managers, 306 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.

Please see my older post for an explanation of the different numbers.

postet at 13:00 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link

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Alexander Tolimar Reichle-Schmehl lives in Tuttlingen / Germany. He works as IT manager (specialized on Unix and SAN/Storage) for an international automotive supplier.
