Wed, 19 Jan 2011
149 862
149 862 - that's the number of bugs closed after Lenny got released1.
Let me repeat that: In the nearly two year development cycle for Debian
6.0 Squeeze
the Debian Project handled nearly one hundred and fifty
thousand bugs!
Having currently a bit more than 600 000 bugs in total, that means one
fourth of all bug reports where dealt with in Debian
Kudos to everyone involved with our quality assurance!
Sorting them by severity, we have the following:
Severity | count |
grave | 5880 |
critical | 691 |
serious | 16047 |
important | 24398 |
normal | 54372 |
minor | 13157 |
wishlist | 35317 |
- As determined by the following command on the Ultimate Debian Database: select count(id) from all_bugs where status='done' and last_modified > '2008-02-14';
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