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Fri, 15 Jul 2005

[DebConf] One of the worst things to happen

As moderator you successfully shortened the queue at the lunch, come back in time, just to be told that the speaker you are about to introduce is missing.

Not missing as in the "He has been seen in the smoekki and is on his way and will arrive shortly" but as in "nobody knows at all where he is, and he hasn't checked in either". So we were standing here, and wondering what to do.

The speaker of the other session wouldn't like to move to the bigger auditorium, nobody in the audience had any knowledge about topic to do some kind of improvised session. Going home? Hacking a bit? Waiting for a miracle to happen?

Well, you could say that the last things happened, since suddenly Mark Shuttleworth and later Martin Langhoff volunteered to do some ad hoc sessions about distributed version control system and evolution of open source projects (with some smaller sidesteps) and contact with upstream. Both interesting, both were gratefully accepted by the audience (as far as you can use the word "gratefully" with always hacking geeks).

So, thank you!

postet at 12:54 into [Debian/events/DebConf-5] permanent link

[DebConf] This evening, we broke a record!

No, the formal diner wasn't the party with the most people in this room (we missed that by 30 people and are ranking on the second place). And no, we didn't built the highest staple of used beer cups. And no, we weren't the one, who ate the most food (actually there are still left overs). But: …

drum roll

We broke the record for cleaning the place up after the party ended!

Yes, it took us only 45 Minutes to clean up the rest of the party of 300 people! Congratulations to all volunteers!

postet at 00:18 into [Debian/events/DebConf-5] permanent link

Thu, 14 Jul 2005

[DebConf] Enjoying my first talk...

...where I'm just an auditor - neither moderator, nor technician, nor speaker myself. Just sitting and listening.

And even better: Hanna, Dafydd and Moray doing a great job :)

postet at 14:01 into [Debian/events/DebConf-5] permanent link

[DebConf] Two minutes of silence...

... is the least thing we could do in honour of the London bombing victims.

postet at 13:00 into [Debian/events/DebConf-5] permanent link

Wed, 13 Jul 2005

[DebConf] Met Seppy

Finally managed to meet with Dennis Stampfer, while he had his foilstickers and while I had money:

my iBook with some

Sadly, he hadn't one of his small swirls, which would have fit better in the apple :(

postet at 19:24 into [Debian/events/DebConf-5] permanent link

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Alexander Tolimar Reichle-Schmehl lives in Tuttlingen / Germany. He works as IT manager (specialized on Unix and SAN/Storage) for an international automotive supplier.
