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Fri, 03 Dec 2010

Release Critical Bug report for Week 48

The bug webinterface of the Universal Debian Database currently knows about the following release critical bugs:

In Total:702
Affecting Squeeze:256
Squeeze only:79
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze:177

Of these 177 bugs, the following tags are set:

Pending in Squeeze:8
Patched in Squeeze:47
Duplicates in Squeeze:20
Can be fixed in a security Update:27
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze:8
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze:39

Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible), 87 bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributors to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze released.

However, with the view of the Release Managers, 128 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.

Please see Interpreting the release critical bug statistics for an explanation of the different numbers.

postet at 13:01 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link

Fri, 26 Nov 2010

Release Critical Bug report for Week 47

The bug webinterface of the Universal Debian Database currently knows about the following release critical bugs:

In Total:713
Affecting Squeeze:283
Squeeze only:74
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze:209

Of these 209 bugs, the following tags are set:

Pending in Squeeze:18
Patched in Squeeze:50
Duplicates in Squeeze:18
Can be fixed in a security Update:16
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze:6
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze:26

Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible), 127 bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributors to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze released.

However, with the view of the Release Managers, 170 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.

Please see Interpreting the release critical bug statistics for an explanation of the different numbers.

postet at 13:02 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link

Sat, 20 Nov 2010

Some signs that you are getting old

You watch Back to the Future and suddenly notice, that you are nearer to the future, than to the present of the movie... And then you search around on the web and find out, that they nowadays make time travel movies, where past means the eighties... which was the time of your youth :(

PS: Damn, what's so good about living in the future? We still don't have hover boards :(

postet at 00:29 into [Debian] permanent link

Fri, 19 Nov 2010

Release Critical Bug report for Week 46

The bug webinterface of the Universal Debian Database currently knows about the following release critical bugs:

In Total:707
Affecting Squeeze:271
Squeeze only:71
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze:200

Of these 200 bugs, the following tags are set:

Pending in Squeeze:12
Patched in Squeeze:36
Duplicates in Squeeze:22
Can be fixed in a security Update:17
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze:5
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze:27

Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible), 123 bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributors to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze released.

However, with the view of the Release Managers, 157 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.

Please see Interpreting the release critical bug statistics for an explanation of the different numbers.

postet at 13:01 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link

Fri, 12 Nov 2010

Release Critical Bug report for Week 45

The bug webinterface of the Universal Debian Database currently knows about the following release critical bugs:

In Total:679
Affecting Squeeze:261
Squeeze only:56
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze:205

Of these 205 bugs, the following tags are set:

Pending in Squeeze:17
Patched in Squeeze:41
Duplicates in Squeeze:23
Can be fixed in a security Update:12
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze:6
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze:21

Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible), 126 bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributors to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze released.

However, with the view of the Release Managers, 165 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.

Please see Interpreting the release critical bug statistics for an explanation of the different numbers.

postet at 13:01 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link

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Alexander Tolimar Reichle-Schmehl lives in Tuttlingen / Germany. He works as IT manager (specialized on Unix and SAN/Storage) for an international automotive supplier.
