Fri, 29 Jan 2010
[Update] When fixing RC bugs...
... please try to prevent your upload from hitting the NEW queue (by changing your binary packages). While we try to process the NEW queue as soon as possible, it would be a shame, if your release critical bug fix is delayed, because all ftp-foo are busy.
PS: That's especially true, if you NMU a package...
Update: I stand corrected: The NMU I had in mind was a
addition of a new package due to library changes. In
these cases a ping in the #debian-ftp channel would be welcome.
postet at 20:47 into [Debian] permanent link
Sun, 24 Jan 2010
How many DDs does it take to open the CD-ROM drive of a PowerPC G4 running Mac OS X 10.2?
9 and two external helpers. And they need more than 25 minutes.
I'm sure pictures will follow soon...
PS: I don't mention how to do it, to not take the fun for future observers...
postet at 14:24 into [Debian] permanent link
Thu, 21 Jan 2010
tofrodos_1.7.8.debian.1-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED
Cool, eh? Okay, not that tofrodos has any new features, but at least the following will return zero tomorrow: wget -q -O-|bzgrep Schmehl|grep -v -c Reichle.
Just took me a bit more than a year and a half to find a reason to upload all of my packages at least once...
Now let's take a look at the team maintained packages, which are still left..
postet at 23:10 into [Debian] permanent link
Thu, 14 Jan 2010
Installing Oracle XE under Debian
Should have problems getting Oracle XE run under Debian, check that you are using the package from their repository not the ones available at their website. The later ones seem to be outdated and buggy; don't know why the haven't changed their website yet; the fixed packages are only available since May 2006...
postet at 15:58 into [Debian] permanent link
Fri, 04 Dec 2009
Good advice for preseeding the debian-installer
If you use a script to do some customisations run via
preseed/late_command then don't do it the following way:
d-i preseed/late_command string cp /hd-media/
/target/tmp ; in-target /tmp/ ; rm
That way you'll never notice, if your script run successfully as its exit
code is eaten by the removal. When running several late-commands always
use && to chain the commands, so if one command fails the
processing will stop and the installer will show you a nice message that
indeed something went wrong.
postet at 10:53 into [Debian] permanent link