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Sun, 08 Apr 2007

It's done!

Etch is released...

Time for some thanks... Thanks developers, who make it possible; thanks d-i people, who make it installable; thanks to translators, who make it available; thanks r-m, who keep it coordinated!

Special thanks to Joey, for going on vacation right in time so I have the honour to announce Debian releasing... twice in 24 hours!

Very special thanks to Meike, who didn't cared that I spend the last days translating the release notes, testing different images (and killing a very important machine while doing so), compose announcements, coordinate translations, finally sending out, answering some replies and forgeting to buy her some sugar eggs.

I would like to point out, that the last mentioned thing is not a matter of course, considering that we had guests during the last days, and she had to play host all for herself! Shame on me ;)

postet at 20:17 into [Debian] permanent link

Fri, 06 Apr 2007

Talking about release notes:

<ettin> Tolimar: I wholeheartly agree with your last blog entry ;)
<ettin> btw, we have just finished translating it too
<Tolimar> Very good :)
* ettin doesn't have a blog but felt like telling someone about it ;)

postet at 21:07 into [Debian] permanent link

I just finished...

... to translate the release notes to German. While one part still hate Frans, Vorlon and the other authors for giving us such a short time frame, a bigger part of mine would like to express his gratitude for working so hard on them.

Many thanks!

postet at 14:54 into [Debian] permanent link

Thu, 29 Mar 2007

How do you notice...

...that the distribution running on your server is really stable?

After several years you suddenly notice that reportbug is not installed.

And you just wanted to report a wishlist bug...

postet at 22:56 into [Debian] permanent link

Wed, 21 Mar 2007


During the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage I did a workshop about the creation of Debian packages. Now one of my attendees contacted me and asked to review and sponsor hist first package!

After the correction of a small mistake in debian/copyright (done in less than one hour) I uploaded it.

Cool :)

postet at 00:47 into [Debian/events] permanent link

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Alexander Tolimar Reichle-Schmehl lives in Tuttlingen / Germany. He works as IT manager (specialized on Unix and SAN/Storage) for an international automotive supplier.
