Wed, 20 Sep 2006
Seen caveman. Much funny, much Ha,
Thanks to woman, bought
postet at 14:31 into [Debian] permanent link
Tue, 19 Sep 2006
Funny or cruel?
I don't know if it is some kind of strange humor or (accidental?) cruelness; in
any case it's quite interesting, that friends
always offer you jobs, as
long as you still have one...
postet at 17:13 into [Debian] permanent link
Sun, 10 Sep 2006
Small helper for license checks
I'm sure you know the situation, that you have a package, which license file
says more or less This is GPL
and you later find out (probaly by a
rejected upload from Ganneff), that there are some files from a different
author or under a different license.
I found the following quite usefull for a quick and dirty check: egrep -Hi 'copyright|LGPL' $(grep -wriL 'GPL' *).
The inner grep will create a list of al files not containing the word "GPL"; the outer egrep will then create a list of all those files containing either the word "copyright" or the word "LPGL".
It's of course not perfect (and far from a nothing found? okay, let's
upload it
), but at least you'll get a list of files where it's quite
sure you need to mentionen them in your debian/control ;)
Anyone has any better checks for such things?
postet at 16:31 into [Debian] permanent link
Tue, 22 Aug 2006
Note to myself:
When moving packages from one package to an other, take special care for proper Replaces: and Conflicts: lines.
Oh... and when finally testing the upgrades, don't waste your time testing it with plain dpkg on the command line. It will fail. You'll need to test it with apt-get or aptitude directly.
postet at 22:06 into [Debian] permanent link
Tue, 15 Aug 2006
Whish me luck...
... I'll have an important job interview on thursday!
postet at 20:17 into [Debian] permanent link