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Mon, 19 Jun 2006

Damn, why did you splitted the package?

From time to time it's funny to run a scriptlett and play a bit with numbers. For example:
find /pub/debian/pool/main/ -name \*_i386.deb -or -name \*_all.deb -exec ls -s {} \; |sort -nr
157696 /pub/debian/pool/main/f/fgfs-base/fgfs-base_0.9.10-1_all.deb
152284 /pub/debian/pool/main/v/vegastrike-data/vegastrike-data_0.4.3-2_all.deb
141144 /pub/debian/pool/main/o/openclipart/openclipart-png_0.18+dfsg-4_all.deb
89808 /pub/debian/pool/main/f/fgfs-base/fgfs-base_0.9.6-1_all.deb
86304 /pub/debian/pool/main/k/koffice/koffice-doc_1.5.1-1_all.deb
81892 /pub/debian/pool/main/l/llvm/llvm-doc_1.7-1_all.deb
78860 /pub/debian/pool/main/t/texlive-extra/texlive-latex-extra_2005-2_all.deb
67844 /pub/debian/pool/main/b/beneath-a-steel-sky/beneath-a-steel-sky_0.0372-2_all.deb
67764 /pub/debian/pool/main/b/beneath-a-steel-sky/beneath-a-steel-sky_0.0368-3_all.deb
62252 /pub/debian/pool/main/f/fillets-ng-data/fillets-ng-data_0.7.1-1_all.deb
61660 /pub/debian/pool/main/f/fillets-ng-data/fillets-ng-data_0.6.1-1_all.deb
58984 /pub/debian/pool/main/v/vegastrike-music/vegastrike-music_0.4.3-1_all.deb
56260 /pub/debian/pool/main/t/tetex-src/tetex-src_3.0-3_all.deb

Interesting, I always thought one of my packages would be on of the biggest, bit according to my find, planetpenguin-racer-extras is just on place 117!

But now I sponsored an upload for an other member of the pkg-games group: nexuiz_2.0-1_i386.changes uploaded successfully.

Sadly Bruno decided to splitt of the music of the -data package, so we won't take the crown, but will still get the fourth place, as soon as Ganneff let it the packages through new :)

PS: Damn, they still didn't fixed the bug, that I allways get killed.

postet at 13:57 into [Debian] permanent link

Sun, 11 Jun 2006

Cool sysad trick #38846

Mount your /var partition with nodev, and wonder why your pbuilder doesn't work any more.

I guess my break was long overdue...

postet at 16:32 into [Debian] permanent link

Wed, 24 May 2006

When we arrived at home...

... yesterday evening, we fell into bed. Interesting: Although I managed to sleep very well in the airplane for something near to 10 hours (and so did alphascorpii), we still slept for another 16 hours when we got home.

I think I'm getting old; that's the worst jet lag I ever had. So here is a list of things you can do at 3:00 AM in the morning, when you can't sleep because of jet lag problems:

  • Wait for your luggage to be delivered to you (British Airways finally managed to bring me my lost backpack; after promising me, that it's already on the way and will be delivered to me next morning, it wasn't delivered before 20:00...)
  • Sort all the snail mail from the last weeks
  • Read through all the mail from last weeks
  • Watch the streams from the last weeks tagesthemen
  • chat with the other jet lagged people
  • chat with the people still in Mexico
  • Call your family telling them you got home in one piece (after not telling them, that you've left)
  • Get angry, because your landlord hasn't done anything about the wet walls (well, at least the broken water pipe got fixed) or the mold on them
  • Chat with your girlfriend whether landlord is the proper word for that
  • Finally drink some real vaso de leche milk
  • Write some notes for DebConfs final report
  • Throw them away
  • Synchronize your private mirror
  • Pay old bills
  • Agree with other, that we should make a Wine, cheese and chocolate session next year
  • Write useless blog entries
  • Adding stuff to the DebConf fortunes

Perhaps I just finish reading The Da Vinchi code before someone, who went to the movie, spoils the ending. See you in... wherever DebConf7 will be.

postet at 03:37 into [Debian/events/DebConf-6] permanent link

Tue, 23 May 2006

You know, that you are back home...

... when:

  • No one storms at you in a store trying to sell you something, although you are just looking around killing time
  • Temperature is bellow 20 degrees Celsius, even if it's summer
  • You don't need a power adapter any more
  • You can eat food marked as hot again
  • fruit salad isn't served with chili and salt
  • Internet is working quite fast
  • You understand, what's said in the PAs

But the best sign, telling you, you are finally arrived at your home, is:
You are on your toilette, wondering where the bucket has gone, and what to do with the paper!

postet at 21:28 into [Debian/events/DebConf-6] permanent link

Sat, 20 May 2006

What is bad timing?

If you meet mooch, the inventor of the official DebConf-6 hug day on the toilet...

postet at 20:32 into [Debian/events/DebConf-6] permanent link

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Alexander Tolimar Reichle-Schmehl lives in Tuttlingen / Germany. He works as IT manager (specialized on Unix and SAN/Storage) for an international automotive supplier.
