Tue, 15 Mar 2005
CeBIT: Yellow light poles
It's pretty much useless, to post that now, that only one day ist left,
but I finnaly made a better picture of the yellow like poles (also know
as "yellow thingies"):
Thanks for the translation, Lionel!
PS: It's the top of Joeys head you can see on the bottom of the picture.
postet at 23:45 into [Debian/events/cebit-2005] permanent link
CeBIT: Update for the update for the update of the update:
Approximated number of people just coming by to say: "Thank you!": > 307.483
Approximated number of people complaining personally about us being rude: 1
People discussing the Vancouver proposal at our booth: 4
People telling us, how much they like Debian, asking for one the posters, but are not willing to donate at least our own production costs: > 45 (most of them on pack-rat-saturday)
BTW: The one, wo thought we were rude, missunderstood me. There was one visitor, asking for a window manager with the same look and feel that the OS-that-must-not-be-named has. Not similar look and feel but exact the same. I made several proposals, he allways said, that wouldn't be the same, I said, then I couldn't help him, and he should ask at the GNOME or KDE booth, if they could help him (hey! I'm a xfce4 user, because it doesn't try to copy an other OS look and feel). There was one guy standing in the second row, waiting for me to finish this visitor. He thought I was slandering the OS-that-must-not-be-names (well, in some fashion I did exactly that).
However, he didn't liked to ask his running Debian in vmware question, and left to ask at the booth of LinuxLand (they are seling vmware licenses and had a poster). Luckily they send him right back to me, I explained the missunderstanding, and I tried my best solve his problem...
postet at 23:29 into [Debian/events/cebit-2005] permanent link
CeBIT: Clustering with Debian
Bytec (the guys with the nice advertisement in LinuxMagazin or iX) had
showed at their booth (Hall 1, 4h4, Fujitsu-Siemens IIRC) a small Cluster
running on Debian:
Please take a close look at the penguin sitting on the cluster. I really think he is looking astonished ;)
Unfortunately I didn't had the opportunity to play with it :(
postet at 18:04 into [Debian/events/cebit-2005] permanent link
CeBIT: Pictures wanted!
During our presence here at CeBIT several people took pictures of us or our booth. Could those please get in contact with me, sending me their pics or putting them somewhere online so I can fetch them?
postet at 16:32 into [Debian/events/cebit-2005] permanent link
CeBIT: Update for the update of the update:
Approximated number of people just coming by to say: "Thank you!": > 199
Approximated number of people complaining personally about us being rude: 0
Sorry, was too tired yesterday for this update.
postet at 12:22 into [Debian/events/cebit-2005] permanent link