Sat, 12 Mar 2005
CeBIT: "yellow thingies"
If you are wondering
how to find our booth: It's in the Hall 6, Booth H18-402, in the
LinuxPark which you can really easy find when, search for those yellow
If someone has an idea, how to describe those (which glow yellow in reality, blame my cheap digicam) in English, please drop me an e-mail.
Oh, BTW: Does anyone know the English translation for the German idiom "Beutelratte"?
postet at 16:00 into [Debian/events/cebit-2005] permanent link
CeBIT: Day 3
It's Saturday, which means: Students can get in to the exhibition cheaper... Well, I'm sure you noticed, that I didn't blogged that much today. Try to imagine, what's going on here.
I don't have time to read my e-mails, but I receive SPAM! I need to tweak my filters a bit.
postet at 14:37 into [Debian/events/cebit-2005] permanent link
Fri, 11 Mar 2005
And now for something completly different:
An not so crazy guy:
This italien guy traveled all the long way from italy to Hanover. When he finaly arrived at our booth and got one of our DVDs, he just said: "And now I fullfilled my goal for this day.
postet at 17:34 into [Debian/events/cebit-2005] permanent link
Current stats:
People simply thanking us: More than 34.
Especially noted should be the austrian, who repeated his "Thanks" several minutes, telling us, that he tried neary every Distribution out there, even several BSD derivates and Solaris. He came to the conclussion that "Debian is the best out there [especially because] of the good security support".
postet at 14:36 into [Debian/events/cebit-2005] permanent link
An picture of an other nearly crazy guy:
He realy wanted to buy one of those UFie Mike posters,
but we only have one in good condition, save the one the guys from the
Chemnitzer Linux-Tag printed for us (printed on DinA4 sheets glued
together and looking a bit pixelig, including some footprints of my shoes
on one side, Sorry).
He thought it is okay, and left a big donation and asked for a signature on the poster ;)
postet at 12:57 into [Debian/events/cebit-2005] permanent link