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Mon, 15 Aug 2005

About music...

Yes, Meike, I have Alabama - Can't take the Country out of me on my hard disc. Guess what? That's not all! Additionally I have Angels Among Us and I'm In A Hurry And Don't Know Why, too.

I'm pretty sure, I have some other country music, too... but honestly I don't know what category most of my music is. I don't sort them by categories, I don't play them by categories. I just create a big play list of (nearly) all files, and let random choose what to play... so let's see...

$ find ~/audio -type d -maxdepth 3 -exec sh -c 'find "$0" -type f| echo -n `wc -l` ; echo " $0" ' {} \; |sort -nr|less is a bit ugly, but gives some numbers...

I have 1680 files, taking 5.8 GB - all of them legal. 151 are in the subdirectory "classic", 396 belong to a nice collection called "World of Blues", 307 for the Beach Boys, 61 for Queen, 35 for The Blues Brothers and Pink Floyd.

And while we are at it, some curiosities:

25 /home/alex/audio/movie/classic_disney_volume_ii/60_years_of_musical_magic
	# my first self bought CD
25 /home/alex/audio/movie/MontyPythonSings
	# Uhm...
12 /home/alex/audio/h2g2
	# :)
11 /home/alex/audio/movie/Dirty Dancing
	# Don't ask me, where I got that...
1 /home/alex/audio/movie/Rocky Horror Picture Show
	# Must have lost some of that soundtrack :(

So, yes, I have some country music. I think I have nearly every music style available... well... everything but German Volksmusic...

postet at 16:44 into [Debian] permanent link

Wed, 10 Aug 2005

Making Progress

Got the time to work on my unreaded mails::

$ find Maildir/ -path \*new\* -type f|wc -l

Beside the usual "I should try to find I way to not allow so many mails to accumulate" I learned some other interesting things I so far after my small vacation:

  • my boss has a nice way to tell me that I should get to work in time
  • eating doesn't help against frustration
  • ... that's especially true for chocolate
  • After not eating sweets for more than four months, eating much chocolate can lead to a hangover like feeling.
  • Well. At least it seems that I got an interesting job offer. Let's hope that works out for good.

Oh, and I finished signing all the keys last weeks. Some mails could not be delivered, if you are still missing a signature from me, please contact me, I'll see what I can do.

postet at 13:50 into [Debian] permanent link

Tue, 09 Aug 2005


Took some days off, just came back, took a look at my e-mails:

$ find Maildir/ -path '*/new/*' -type f|wc -l

Ugh. I think, I'll need some time to get back in present time...

postet at 18:30 into [Debian] permanent link

Sat, 06 Aug 2005

If you don't read any further posts...

... Meike (who likes "both kinds of music: Country and Western") got me. Please try to find my body, and bury me on the western side of a hill, so I can see the sun set ;)

postet at 11:57 into [Debian] permanent link

Dear Meike,

if you don't know, how to describe German Volksmusik1, how about a small analogy?

For many Germans Volksmusik is as much annoying as Country and Western is for Americans.

1: Personally I wouldn't use the term Music, since it implies by my definition, that it sounds good…

postet at 11:51 into [Debian] permanent link

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Alexander Tolimar Reichle-Schmehl lives in Tuttlingen / Germany. He works as IT manager (specialized on Unix and SAN/Storage) for an international automotive supplier.
