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Sat, 19 Feb 2005 Day 2:

Broke my Notebook yesterday. Damn. Luckily I broke it after my talk, and a new one is already ordered.

Saw a nice thing at the booth of Novell / SuSE. Take a look at my gallery for some pictures.

postet at 12:41 into [Debian/events] permanent link

Wed, 16 Feb 2005

Howto shoot yourself in the foot:

To celebrate the opening of the new MSN search, Microsoft offered some companies and press agencies a personal search expert for one day to research what you are looking for.

The Freie-Software-Presseagentur accepted their offer. And they asked their "experts" the following questions:

  1. Which agencies work for Microsoft in the different countries of the European Union and in Bruxelles in the area of Public Affairs?
  2. Which former politicians from countries of the European Union are now hired by Microsoft in the Area's Public Affairs / Lobbying / Public Administration?
  3. Are there Numbers, how much money Microsoft spends each year in the area of public affairs?
  4. How many employees has Microsoft in the Area's Lobbying / Public Affairs in Bruxelles and in Germany, and what are their names?

After a couple of hours their search "experts" left the building without success, stating:
Our search was not successful. It could be possible, that the data on the MSN-sites are suppressed. But in general it seems to be complicate to get those numbers. Yes, we know, that it wasn't in Microsofts interest, that we were here.

If you speak German, you can read more on pro-linux, (including a nice picture) and pretecs weblog.

I'm sorry, I didn't found any English source for this, and I'm sure I made (as usual) some mistakes while translating this. Believe me: In German it is funny :)


The story has been translated:, thanks for the hint, Markus.

postet at 12:03 into [Debian] permanent link

Fri, 11 Feb 2005

I'm feeling really stupid

I'm sure you already read the story in the weekly news, in Amayas blog or in your favorite news ticker. Elizabeth Garbee, the 13 year old daughter of our former DPL is going to deliver a talk on this years

I think, that makes me look a bit stupid. Not because she is starting her career quite sooner than I did (I delivered my first talk before greater audience with 15 and that was of course not even nearly similar to, but because I'm the maintainer of the tuxracer-extras package, which contains additional courses for tuxracer (yes, I know that I have a bug open for quite long time, sigh).

I'm always on the search for new courses. Good courses are rare to find, especially since the development of tuxracer or the free spinoff openracer stopped (I'm sure you read my last blog, and hope like me and many others, that the development of ppracer isn't just a flash in the pan).

And now I read that what I was looking for might be soooo near!

postet at 02:58 into [Debian] permanent link

Thu, 10 Feb 2005

Ergebnisse der Wahl!

Die Ergebnisse der Wahl zum Fachbereichsrat sind eingetroffen. Unsere Liste SAMS bekommt einen Sitz, DIE Iegel bekommen immernoch zwei.

Kommentar: Regelmässig Parties zu veranstalten und in der Wahlwerbung sehr böse zu lästern macht es anscheinend wieder gut, dass man Sitzungen haupsächlich als duckmäuserischer Abnickern gegenüber Professoren verhält.

postet at 16:20 into [university] permanent link

Wed, 09 Feb 2005

PlanetPenguin Racer packages available

You! Yes, you over there! I'm talking to you!

I'm sorry, I remember that you asked to send you a mail, I put my ppracer packages somewhere online, but I lost your e-mail address.

First packages (which have only two cosmetic bugs, which will be fixed soon) are available at:

deb ./
deb-src ./

They are called planetpenguin-racer and -date. Please test them carefully, they are new, and might contain bugs I didn't discovered, allthough I tested them very carefully.

PS: Answered P&P2, did a bit more fore some events, passed a difficult test at university.

postet at 19:09 into [Debian] permanent link

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Alexander Tolimar Reichle-Schmehl lives in Tuttlingen / Germany. He works as IT manager (specialized on Unix and SAN/Storage) for an international automotive supplier.
