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Sun, 18 Sep 2005

[German elections] Uhm... now what?

It's 18:00 local time. The polling stations closed. The first extrapolations are published.. and we know... nothing.

The preferred coalitions of the parties won't work out. Neither our current coalition of the Social Democrats and The Green Party seem to have a majority, nor the Christian Democratic Liberal one. All other coalitions (like (Social Democrats, new Left and Greens) or (Christian Democrats and Social Democrats) or (Social Democrats, Greens and either (new Left or Liberals))) were rejected from different parties previously... now it seems we will see, if they stand true to their sayings before the elections...

On the other hand... some people already filled lawsuit against the election... and parts of the city of Dresden will vote in two weeks (since a candidate of a party died short before the elections... don't ask for details, difficult to explain)... so... those of you, who mailed me after my "pick your poison" blog asking me for details about the results of the elections: Sorry, currently nobody knows what's going to happen here in .de.

postet at 18:44 into [Debian] permanent link

[German election] Oops, I did it again!

Good god, I did it. With shivering hands I cast my ballot... after I sat a couple of minutes in the cubicle looking at my ballot. Rethinking again, searching a last minute solution whom to elect.

Well, to make it short: I didn't found one. Again I voted for the least undesirable option. Well, at least I didn't voted for them...

postet at 16:15 into [Debian] permanent link


Alexander Tolimar Reichle-Schmehl lives in Tuttlingen / Germany. He works as IT manager (specialized on Unix and SAN/Storage) for an international automotive supplier.
