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Fri, 04 Feb 2011

Release Critical Bug report for Week 05

The bug webinterface of the Ultimate Debian Database currently knows about the following release critical bugs:

In Total:574
Affecting Squeeze:2
Squeeze only:2
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze:0

Of these 0 bugs, the following tags are set:

Pending in Squeeze:0
Patched in Squeeze:0
Duplicates in Squeeze:0
Can be fixed in a security Update:0
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze:0
Claimed in Squeeze:0
Delayed in Squeeze:0
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze:0

Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible) 0 bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributors to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze released.

However, with the view of the Release Managers, 2 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.

Please see Interpreting the release critical bug statistics for an explanation of the different numbers.

postet at 13:01 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link

Mon, 31 Jan 2011

Getting older

33 is a nice number; it's symmetrical both in decimal in in binary!
Birthday Cake

And very tasteful!
Cake (cut open)


postet at 17:02 into [Debian] permanent link

Sun, 30 Jan 2011

Host a Debian release party in $your_city

Apparently I forgot to put my initial call for release parties on Sorry, so much things to do, so little time...

As Debian Squeeze will be released next weekend, it's a good time to start preparing a release party in your city. Be it in a pub, a pizzeria, or your living room: Organizing and hosting a release party is an ideal opportunity to meet, exchange GPG fingerprints, exchange knowledge and of course be merry and celebrate :)

If there's going to be an event in your city, please add it to our wiki page so others can find it and join you :)

Oh, and the publicity got the idea to do some live commenting of the release process via Debian's official account. Might become interesting to watch that, too, as we also plan to fill boring waiting parts with funny and interesting facts :)

Oh, and if you should know / or would be interested in an interesting facts (e.g. the the 150'000 closed bugs since Lenny got released please contact us, as we are still preparing them ;)

postet at 14:28 into [Debian] permanent link

Fri, 28 Jan 2011

Release Critical Bug report for Week 04

The bug webinterface of the Ultimate Debian Database currently knows about the following release critical bugs:

In Total:575
Affecting Squeeze:14
Squeeze only:6
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze:8

Of these 8 bugs, the following tags are set:

Pending in Squeeze:1
Patched in Squeeze:0
Duplicates in Squeeze:0
Can be fixed in a security Update:2
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze:0
Claimed in Squeeze:0
Delayed in Squeeze:0
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze:0

Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible) 5 bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributors to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze released.

However, with the view of the Release Managers, 9 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.

Please see Interpreting the release critical bug statistics for an explanation of the different numbers.

postet at 13:01 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link

Fri, 21 Jan 2011

Release Critical Bug report for Week 03

The bug webinterface of the Ultimate Debian Database currently knows about the following release critical bugs:

In Total:575
Affecting Squeeze:25
Squeeze only:10
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze:15

Of these 15 bugs, the following tags are set:

Pending in Squeeze:0
Patched in Squeeze:7
Duplicates in Squeeze:2
Can be fixed in a security Update:1
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze:0
Claimed in Squeeze:0
Delayed in Squeeze:0
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze:6

Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible) 6 bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributors to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze released.

However, with the view of the Release Managers, 21 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.

Please see Interpreting the release critical bug statistics for an explanation of the different numbers.

postet at 13:01 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link

<<  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [11] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84  >>


Alexander Tolimar Reichle-Schmehl lives in Tuttlingen / Germany. He works as IT manager (specialized on Unix and SAN/Storage) for an international automotive supplier.
