Fri, 06 Aug 2010
Release Critical Bug report for Week 31
The unofficial rc bug tracker currently knows about the following bugs:
In Total: | 433 |
Affecting Squeeze: | 314 |
Squeeze only: | 69 |
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze: | 245 |
Of these 245 bugs, the following tags are set:
Pending in Squeeze: | 18 |
Patched in Squeeze: | 45 |
Duplicates in Squeeze: | 28 |
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze: | 10 |
Claimed in Squeeze: | 2 |
Delayed in Squeeze: | 7 |
Can fixed in a security Update: | 9 |
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze: | 32 |
Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible), 145
bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributers to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze
However, with the view of the Release Managers, 220 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.
Please see my older post for an explanation of the different numbers.
postet at 13:00 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link
Thu, 05 Aug 2010
DDs, please feel free to commit to the DPN directly
The svn repository used to draft the Debian Project News just passed the sixth hundreds commit. If my calculations are correct, that's quite more than the number of edits done, back when the DPN was drafted in the wiki. I take it as a hint, that the new work flow works better than the old one.
However, playing a bit with statistics (done by horrible shell one liners ;) I noticed, that - while every Debian Developer may commit to the subversion repository - not that many commits from other DDs where made: Of the 602 commits so far, only 70 where done by other DDs:
alex@melusine:~$ svn log --xml svn:// \ |xmlstarlet sel -t -m "/log/logentry/author" -v "concat(.,' ')" | \ sed -e "s/ /\n/g"|sort|uniq -c|sort -n|grep -v guest|grep -v tolimar 1 1 abe 1 hertzog 1 holger 1 mika 1 paravoid 2 pabs 3 alfie 15 zobel 20 gio 25 spaillard
To give credit where credit is due, here are the guest commits:
16 tpeteul-guest 21 jeremiah-guest 25 gmascellani-guest 36 madamezou-guest 122 taffit-guest
Many thanks so far, but I would like to advertise the Debian Project News and invite every DD to help us and to commit directly. It's quite easy:
Run svn co svn+ssh://, edit the index.wml file, and then commit your changes back to the repository. (Well, ideally you would also honor Status flag and won't commit, if it's not open-for-edit.)
As for the format: While we indeed use wml, you just need some basic HTML knowledge. To add a paragraph just use the following with proper content:
<a name="X"></a> <h2>Fancy title</h2> <p>More details about the topic.</p>
Usually the articles are kind of sorted by importance, so unless you are pretty sure it might be the easiest to just add your article at the end of the regular news, just before the other news sections.
Should you not be able to fill an entire paragraph, feel free to just a one or two sentences to the other news section (just add a <p>...</p> with your content to the end of the other news).
Don't worry about style, your English or syntax: It won't end up on the web page directly, it's reviewed and checked, so you can't do anything wrong.
More details are available in the wiki at Feel free to ask any questions unanswered on the publicity list at Feel also free to contact us there, if you would like to help by translations or reviews. The more people help, the less work it's for everyone :)
If you are not a Debian Developer, but still would like to help us, it's no problem. All you need is an account on our Alioth System (very easy to get, you just need to ask) and request to join the publicity project. See for the respective links.
postet at 16:41 into [Debian] permanent link
Tue, 03 Aug 2010
DebConf gone Web 2.0
For those of us, who can't attend this years Debian Conference might be interesting, that thanks to valesio you can also participate via
You need either a HTML5 capable browser or Java.
Also many thanks to the video team for the very nice streams!
postet at 09:20 into [Debian/events/DebConf10] permanent link
Fri, 30 Jul 2010
Release Critical Bug report for Week 30
The unofficial rc bug tracker currently knows about the following bugs:
In Total: | 433 |
Affecting Squeeze: | 328 |
Squeeze only: | 74 |
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze: | 254 |
Of these 254 bugs, the following tags are set:
Pending in Squeeze: | 21 |
Patched in Squeeze: | 41 |
Duplicates in Squeeze: | 20 |
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze: | 12 |
Claimed in Squeeze: | 0 |
Delayed in Squeeze: | 7 |
Can fixed in a security Update: | 17 |
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze: | 25 |
Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible), 150
bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributers to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze
However, with the view of the Release Managers, 238 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.
Please see my older post for an explanation of the different numbers.
postet at 13:00 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link
Tue, 27 Jul 2010
What made my day
Strange times... While I was quite productive recently I had a terrible start into this week. Maybe it's the weather change (we more or less dropped from sunny ~35°C down top rainy ~20°C), or that (nearly) everyone but me is on vacation at work, a boring project or maybe it's that I can't attend this years DebConf. Whatever it is, I don't feel that well and am quite grumpy (Hard to believe for those who know me, but at least I feel grumpy ;)
So, reading I spotted this topic in Debian Project News.
from a
user who actually joined a discussion on Debian's development list can
actually make my day :)
postet at 10:15 into [Debian] permanent link