Fri, 25 Jun 2010
Release Critical Bug report for Week 25
The inofficial rc bug tracker currently knows about the following bugs:
In Total: | 523 |
Affecting Squeeze: | 419 |
Squeeze only: | 65 |
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze: | 354 |
Of these 354 bugs, the following tags are set:
Pending in Squeeze: | 19 |
Patched in Squeeze: | 55 |
Duplicates in Squeeze: | 51 |
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze: | 26 |
Claimed in Squeeze: | 6 |
Delayed in Squeeze: | 7 |
Can fixed in a security Update: | 31 |
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze: | 38 |
Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible), 170
bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributers to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze
However, the with the view of the Release Managers, 316 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.
Please see my older post for an explanation of the different numbers.
postet at 13:00 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link
Fri, 18 Jun 2010
Release Critical Bug report for Week 24
The inofficial rc bug tracker currently knows about the following bugs:
In Total: | 535 |
Affecting Squeeze: | 419 |
Squeeze only: | 58 |
Remaining to be fixed in Squeeze: | 361 |
Of these 361 bugs, the following tags are set:
Pending in Squeeze: | 18 |
Patched in Squeeze: | 55 |
Duplicates in Squeeze: | 50 |
Contrib or non-free in Squeeze: | 8 |
Claimed in Squeeze: | 2 |
Delayed in Squeeze: | 6 |
Can fixed in a security Update: | 31 |
Otherwise fixed in Squeeze: | 38 |
Ignoring all the above (multiple tags possible), 195
bugs need to be fixed by Debian Contributers to get Debian 6.0 Squeeze
However, the with the view of the Release Managers, 337 need to be dealt with for the release to happen.
Please see my older post for an explanation of the different numbers.
postet at 13:00 into [Debian/rc-stats/6.0-squeeze] permanent link
Mon, 14 Jun 2010
[Update] RC Bug stats again published in this blog
As you have probably already seen, I started again to publish the statistics of the release critical bug reports. I stopped to do so, when I restarted to send out the Debian Project News, where they are also a regular part.
However I've been told, that quite some readers script the last part of the DPN with the regular things, like DSAs, New and Noteworthy packages, etc., as they already know them. So here they are again, published every Friday noon (CEST) by a tiny script.
Update: Moritz Muehlenhoff just informed me, that I should also ingore RC bugs having the tag security for my statistics, as they come in all over the time and can always be fixed with a security update or in a point release. Currently 34 bugs have this tag, bringing the total number of bugs to be delat with down to 187.
postet at 16:09 into [Debian] permanent link
Thu, 10 Jun 2010
Nice quote from a user
asked during the opening keynote of the Debian MiniDebconf in Berlin:
Hi, I'm a long Debian user and Developer and would like to help. But
I have a Problem: Everything works!
postet at 09:59 into [Debian/events/mini-debconf-berlin-2010] permanent link
Sat, 29 May 2010
Write access for all DDs to the DPNs svn repository
It seems to be quite unknown, that Debian Developers, who are interested in helping with the Debian Project News (be it as editor, reviewer or translator) can already do so.
Thanks to the help of the alioth admins the subversion repository where the DPN is drafted is open for all DDs to commit into it. More details on how are available in our wiki.
postet at 17:09 into [Debian] permanent link