Wed, 13 Jul 2005
[DebConf] About stars (Part IV)
Thanks Jo for showing me, that you can indeed many more than one star during summer in Finland. You spoiled a nearly perfect way, to feel myself nearer to a very special person.
Let me guess: You are still single, aren't you? ;)
postet at 00:45 into [Debian/events/DebConf-5] permanent link
Tue, 12 Jul 2005
[DebConf] About Stars (Part III)
Joachim neither do I nor does he / she / it care. It's the attempt, that counts ;)
postet at 22:55 into [Debian/events/DebConf-5] permanent link
[DebConf] About stars...
Seems like I did a mistake in one of my last blog entry. Indeed you could see stars yesterday night. Well... let me rephrase that: You could see one star. Well... let me rephrase that: You could see one bright pixel in the sky.
Okay, one shiny little point in the whole sky isn't that much, but if you cheat a bit, that's quite good:
First you need to convince yourself, that it is indeed a star you are looking at (and not a satellite, or reflections from ISS). Than phone / irc / im / email / whatever your wife / husband / fiance / girlfriend / boyfriend / dog / cat / mother / whatever. Tell him / her / whatever to search for the brightest star he / she / it / whatever can find (it's easier if he / she / it / whatever is german, the german wikipedia has a picture how to find it).
Now you can imagine, you are looking both at the same star... that's not perfect, but nearly as good, as looking with him / her / it / whatever standing by your side in the sky :)
PS: No, looking at the moon doesn't count. That's to easy.
postet at 21:34 into [Debian/events/DebConf-5] permanent link
[DebConf] Why are people make holidays in the south?
The sun over here is burning down, as good as in the south... I heard of a couple of guys got sunburn on their very first day. AND: The sun is burning down quite longer than in the south!
This would be a very good place for holidays, if they could fix this bug...
postet at 13:56 into [Debian/events/DebConf-5] permanent link
Mon, 11 Jul 2005
[DebConf] Feeling human again
Since Jaldhar was the main moderator of the talks today, I could leave the talks auditorium sooner. Nice thing, so I had time to do the jogging I didn't did this morning. Took a longer shower, shaved some parts of my body and now I feel like a human again.
Oh, and thanks Antti-Juhani for the milk vocabluary. I think every DebConf should have something like that :)
postet at 19:45 into [Debian/events/DebConf-5] permanent link