Mon, 28 Feb 2005
rays installer
is the GUI installer of a Debian derivate. Stanley Peng is just talking about it. I'm, impressed: He showed some screen shots, and they look good. Even the partition dialogues seem intuitive to me. There seems to be a demo CD in the conference bag, so I need to find another test person for another "stupid unexperienced user usability"-test.
Would be interesting to knew, how large the changes are, they made to d-i for that, but since I'm not that familiar with the d-i myself, the answer would tell me much. But I'm sure, guys from debian-boot are reading this ;)
Their installer is available via svn, too:
svn co
They use X for that, not the gtk/framebuffer method. Perhaps some can still be reused.
BTW: This is the first talk to be delivered in a language I can't understand, but since it is translated in real time, it is not a big problem. Interesting experience.
postet at 08:13 into [Debian/events/admc-2005] permanent link
Andrew Lee just finished his status report...
... about of Debian in Taiwan, and I'm disappointed. After the big flame war about Taiwan, the PRC and how to name them in debian-installer and that, I expected at least fist fight, but after his talk they did a nice small discussion, and although I didn't understand all of their topics - some don't affect me, since I can find all characters I need on my keyboard - it is interesting, how they solved problems - like hosting - here. Didn't noticed how lucky we are back in Germany...
postet at 07:13 into [Debian/events/admc-2005] permanent link
First Day of the first Asian Mini-Conf
After Andreas arrived yesterday we finally found Roger and the other guys. We went to a nice restaurant, serving some kind of Chinese food. Not very surprisingly it was a bit different from what they sell us at home as "Chinese food". The first we learned is, that there is no "Chinese food" as such, but many different ones - not surprisingly, too, if you imagine how big china is. We had a mix of different provinces, including insects. And yes, Martin, Andreas and I tried them - don't know how it tasted like, since I ate something "a bit spicy" before. Someone took some pictures of of us eating them, I hope he will upload them soon.
I'm still impressed by the hotel - I used to sleep in my sleeping bag in a gym or on the floor at a Debian-Guys home when visiting other events ;)
After a couple of hours sleep (which I really needed), we had a nice breakfast, and just had the first two talks. Martin explained QA work and some other problems of Debian, while Andreas did an introduction to Custom Debian Distributions.
I needed to swap my slot in the schedule with Andreas, since I still have some problems with the borrowed notebook, the "broadband Internet access" in our hotel. But so I have time to port my talk to latex-beamer.
postet at 06:27 into [Debian/events/admc-2005] permanent link
Sun, 27 Feb 2005
Arrived in Beijing
... a couple of hours ago, after a nine hour flight. Couldn't sleep during the flight - well, when traveling by train or plane I found seldom sleep - but who cares? We are in a very nice, comfortable Hotel, I got a long, warm shower, and all we - tbm took the same flight - waiting for, is for Andreas Tille or Roger to arrive...
postet at 09:00 into [Debian/events/admc-2005] permanent link
If I get mails...
...asking what you need to do, to get an invitation for the Debian booth party at this years CeBIT or if this Party will be open for everyone, it seems to be time for a clear statement:
Yes, it is true: I announced a booth party. Please read my mail to the -events-eu list carefully. Especially the part bout the circumstances the post skriptum.
If you would to sponsor a booth party you are still allowed to contact me ;)
postet at 08:16 into [Debian/events/cebit-2005] permanent link