Wed, 26 Jan 2005
Been there, done that,
got a car. Yes, during the social event yesterday I won a small remote controlled racing car for the third place. A (bad) picture of me and my price is available in my gallery. After the race, we went to a nice restaurant. I'm still not sure, if it was French, Italian or Luxembourgian. Nevertheless it was a nice evening.
Just took a look in the nice Donation-box, Seppy created. Yesterday we got 38 €. Amazing, that nearly covers the shipping costs for the posters, flyers and DVDs we got from Credativ.
Second day of the and I still think, the number of visitors equals the number of exhibitors. Perhaps I should use the time, to finish my P&P, finish the next release of my tuxracer-extras package, start working on my last ITP. Or I just fake a blog entry, telling you after the lunch break our booth got overrun, and play a bit tourist ;)
postet at 10:55 into [Debian/events] permanent link
Tue, 25 Jan 2005
Update at 18:17:34
Uploaded first pics to my gallery. Sorry, no time to tell you more, the social event is about to start :)
postet at 18:19 into [Debian/events] permanent link
Update at 13:33:17
We were just visited by a school class. Cool they made a excursion to the When I was in school, we only made excursions to museums.
Yes Kurt, of course I told them about Skolelinux / Debian-Edu.
postet at 13:33 into [Debian/events] permanent link
Update at 13:16:12
The ipv6 workshop ended, and there were indeed some visitors at our booth.. passing by to the cafeteria. Well, nevertheless one stopped at our booth and asked some questions.
postet at 13:16 into [Debian/events] permanent link
On the road again....
After some smaller problems (broken car which needed a small break to heat up, really dumb user trying to create a mirror with scp) we finally arrived in Luxemburg yesterday for the
First impression: Luxemburg is an interesting (but expensive) city. I didn't know it's that hilly here.
However, as you can read this entry, you can conclude, that we are not (yet) overrun by visitors. But it's still early, so don't wonder, if don't find the time to read those 700 unread mails.
postet at 11:16 into [Debian/events] permanent link